Liz Greer, MS, CHES Population Health Specialist at Apex Benefits

Goals for Clean Eating in 2020

Goals for Clean Eating in 2020

Goals for Clean Eating in 2020


Liz Greer, MS, CHES

Population Health Specialist at Apex Benefits

At the start of the New Year, many of us promised ourselves to become healthier, be more disciplined and generally eat better. Yet most of us struggle with achieving these goals, and according to data from Strava, a social fitness network using over 800 million user-logged activities in 2019, January 19 is the day when people are most likely to give up their New Year’s Resolutions (, 2019).

If you’ve gotten off track since January or you just need an extra boost to stay focused on your goals, use the tips below to help provide another layer of accountability as it applies to healthy eating. These goals can help you stay on track and make better nutritional choices moving forward.

  1. Keep quality snacks on hand such as lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains.
  2. Eat meals at about the same time every day. Try to avoid eating very large meals and skipping meals.
  3. Get much needed fiber from fiber-filled fruits, vegetables, whole grains, peas and beans.
  4. Stay within your daily calorie allowance. Make it a task to keep track of what you eat and drink daily.
  5. Save fattening temptations for an occasional indulgence rather than a regular event.
  6. For lunches, use leftover baked or grilled meat, poultry or fish to dress sandwiches on whole-wheat bread.
  7. Plan out your meals and go to the grocery store with a list. Try to stick to only the items you wrote on the list.
  8. Make vegetables and fruit convenient. If you open the fridge and the first things you see are carrot and cucumber sticks, there’s a good chance those are the snacks you will choose.
  9.  Read labels to compare ingredients, calories, fat, sodium, cholesterol and sugar.

Healthy nutrition will benefit and fuel your body for training. Staying on track can be difficult, but preparation and planning can help you achieve your goals in 2020.

For more information, contact Liz Greer at

Apex Benefits is proud to be a presenting sponsor of the Monumental Challenge. For more information about this year’s challenge, click here.